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Websites and Social Media Sites

mime_secretl … how much is too much

Make use of both your website and your social media sites to help “tag team” your message and your presence. However, pay attention to quality over quantity. Here are some ideas and practices you may want to consider with your on line presence.

With new technology it is just a click away to automate the process of writing something on your website/ blog and posting that same article to your social media outlets. Web designers have been taking advantage of cross posting

in the last few years. Striking a balance of how much and how often is crucial to your success.

As a general rule, posting once per week on Facebook was so low as to lose connection with your audience, and posting more than twice per day was crossing the line into annoying (provided by BufferSocial).

Hey, while this is a good rule of thumb how much is too much? Should you auto post on every social outlet available? Well, not really. In my opinion, auto posting to about three sites is a good number. Going too much above this, you risk losing the intangible emotion of caring. And if people believe that you do not really care about them, your message may get lost.

And where are people posting? Check out chart from the Pew Research Center:PEW Social Media 25

And so, what do we know? More than half of online adults are now using multiple social media sites. So it becomes important to link your website with social media sites. A social media site can act as home base for many, but the more in depth analysis of your products or services will best be exploited on your company website. It is a good practice to have your main social media site link some of it’s content back to your website.

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